Thursday 14th May

Date: 14th May 2020 @ 10:19am

Thursday? ALREADY?! Where is this week going, guys?

I hope you are all well. I'm not sure if you knew, but this week was supposed to be SATs week- by lunchtime today, your tests would have been over. It's such a shame that you didn't get to show off all of your hard work and smash those tests, but don't you worry. Mrs Hrab and I have worked hard to judge what we think you would have scored based on averages from your previous tests and how well we know you all individually. 

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: for any parents or children who are interested, there is a site called Numerise, which has an online course especially targeted for Year 6 pupils to help them be 'secondary ready' in maths. It is a free course that aims to get children prepared for high school maths and there are videos to help if you get stuck. It looks great- why not give it a try? Here is the link:

Yesterday, I set you a raft building challenge. To say I am impressed is an understatement: your rafts are fantastic! I have received a few pictures of rafts and I must say, I was amazed at how attractive they were (the Titanic has nothing on you!) but more importantly, they floated! Woo hoo! Here are some STEM photographs I have received since yesterday. 

Aren't they fantastic?! I am so impressed! From the emails I have received, it sounds like you are all loving STEM week, which is fantastic to hear. Lots of you are very eager to complete the daily challenges and look forward to the next one. 

Today's challenge...

Today, your challenge requires a lot of thinking, creativity and problem-solving. It's as simple as this. Your challenge is to create the longest paper chain you can using just one sheet of A4 paper (and some scissors and sellotape / glue). You must be creative with your use of the paper. You are going to cut it up and create a chain. Have a look at the document I have attached to the blog as a guide if you're not sure what to do. Measure your chain if you can, but don't worry if you can't: send me a photograph so I can see!

Once you have completed the challenge, have a good think about what you could do differently if you were to do it again. Could you make it longer? Did you make full use of the paper? If you can think of a better way of doing it, try again! The best scientists and engineers often make prototypes to test out their designs before refining them and making the best version they can. I look forward to seeing your paper chains tomorrow. laugh

As well as your STEM challenge, don't forget there is lots to do on other websites and in your home learning packs. Education City has some tasks set for you, as does Purple Mash. You could play Times Tables Rockstars to see if you can become a Rock Hero like Dylan in Year 5. You could also do some Joe Wicks PE, dance with Oti Mabuse, or take part in a SuperMovers session. 

Today's BBC Bitesize lessons:

Maths: dividing fractions by whole numbers

Literacy: writing a recount

Design Technology: looking at extreme designs

I'm going to stop bombarding you with work now (just for today, though wink) so you can get on with your challenge. Go for it, Year 6. Make me proud, like you do every day!

On your marks, get set...GO!

Mrs Naylor heart

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