Thursday 14th May
Date: 14th May 2020 @ 8:06am
Good morning Year 4!
Did you have a good day yesterday? The sun was shining again, although it was still a bit cooler than it was last week. Did you manage to spend some time outside?
Today’s BBC Bitesize maths lesson is all about calculating the area of a shape. We have already done this in class, but it would be good to look at the lesson and remind yourselves what the area of a shape is and how to find it. I have set another 2Do on Purple Mash for you to have a go at. This one is all about – can you guess?? – area!
The English lesson today is all about proofreading. This is something we do in class all the time. At the end of each piece of writing we do I ask you to re-read your work to look for spelling mistakes, missing punctuation and any other errors you can spot. This is called proofreading. Have a look at the lesson and then, if you would like more practise, I have attached a proofreading activity to this blog along with a PowerPoint which explains what you need to look out for.
The final BBC lesson today is a Design and Technology lesson looking at how we build 3D models using nets. We used this process to make our pizza boxes in class.
I hope you are all enjoying a book or a story from Serial Mash at the moment. Remember it is really important to read every day for at least half an hour. Lots of you have completed the Times Tables Rock Star sessions for this week which is brilliant. If you haven’t done them yet you still have time!
Deacon has emailed school telling me all about the activities he has been doing at home. He has been busy gardening, baking, walking and even painting the garden fence, as well as doing some school work of course! Your story on Purple Mash is looking good Deacon!
How are you all getting on with your artwork this week? Has anyone been inspired to create a picture yet? I would love to see them, so email a picture of your art work to school when you have finished.
I am looking forward to reading some diary entries too, post one on the Purple Mash blog telling me all about a day from the last couple of weeks.
Keep up your fantastic work!
I will talk to you again tomorrow,
Miss Gradwell