Thursday 11th June

Date: 10th Jun 2020 @ 12:45pm

Good Morning, everyone.

I hope you are all having a productive week and are working hard at home. We are working very hard in school and have been doing lots of maths and literacy (with a little bit of art and sport in there, too).

It has been lovely hearing from some of you and hearing what you've been up to.

I received a lovely email from Ewan yesterday, which included some photographs of the work he has been doing on the Alps (one of BBC Bitesize's lessons from a few days ago). Here are some photographs of Ewan's project on the Alps. 

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Maizie has also been busy working on the geography lesson from BBC Bitesize, too. She now wants to go there on holiday! Here is Maizie's work on the Alps.

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How did you get on with yesterday's writing task based on the picture called 'The Thing in the Sewer'? In school, we came up with lots of different ideas about the picture. Some of us chose to write a diary entry, some chose to write a newspaper report about the creature being spotted, whilst other people chose to write a story or piece of descriptive writing. Here are some extracts from Kate's story and Georgina's descriptive writing. Enjoy!

Story by Kate

Out of the corner of my eye, down the darkest tunnel of all, I spotted two small, beady, white eyes, that stared straight into my soul. The eyes never blinked; it was as if they were meaning to kill. The creature was as black as the tunnel itself. It had vine-like tentacles that made me tremble with fear. 

Without warning, it began to race towards me.

"Arrrr!" I screamed. 

I ran faster than ever. I didn't turn back, but at that moment, I twisted my ankle and I couldn't stand up. I was soaked in revolting, putrid, rotten water, but that was not the worst of my problems. The creature was looking at me from just 3 metres away. 

Suddenly, the thing darted towards me...


Descriptive Writing by Georgina

The sewers are a revolting place. I look revolting, too. I'm the only one of my kind and no-one else is like me. That's why I live in the smelly sewers; no-one wants me. I've just been flushed out of my friends' lives. 

The sewers smell terrible- at least, that's what I've heard. I don't have a nose. That's one of the weird things about me. I have lots of other weird features though: I have three toes, ten tentacle-like arms, knotted, spiky fur and I am very large, so I always bump my head on the low ceiling of the sewer. 

The pipes down here are all rusted as well- the whole sewer is decomposing, but no-one can fix it because I'm the only one down here, apart from the rats. But why would they help me? To them, I'm just a large, menacing silhouette that they don't ever want to come across. Neither does anyone else. 


Well done to those of you who have tried hard to write based on the picture. It would be lovely to see some of your writing, so I can publish it on the blog, too. Don't forget to keep emailing in to show me your work!

Now, today's BBC Bitesize lessons look really enjoyable. Why not give them a go?

Maths - forming and solving one-step equations

Literacy - writing a newspaper report

Spanish - free time, sport and hobbies 

Also, don't forget to log in to Purple Mash and Education City as there are 2dos set for you. You should also be spending some time on Times Tables Rockstars and reading as often as possible. I would be really interested to know what you've been reading over these past few weeks and if you could recommend some new books for our class library!

Today, in school we are going to be completing a reading comprehension activity. So we are all working on similar tasks, I thought it would be nice if those of you working from home could join in, too. The comprehension is about Michael Morpurgo - the author of many books, including Kensuke's Kingdom, which you read in Year 5. It would be wonderful if you could complete the comprehension. I have attached the comprehension to the blog.

If you struggle with reading, try the 1 star activity. 

If you think your reading is okay, try the 2 star activity.

If you are a super reader and fancy a challenge, try the 3 star activity.

The answers are included, but please don't cheat! Work through it honestly and then you can mark your own work at the end. 


That's it from me for today. Have a great day and I will speak to you all tomorrow (nearly Friday!)


Mrs Naylor heart

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