Thursday 11th June Blog

Date: 10th Jun 2020 @ 4:26pm

Good morning Year 5!

I hope you are all up and about and ready for another day of work 😊

I certainly am!


Have you managed to start your Local History projects yet?

Has anybody found out anything interesting?

I have a few more things for you to look at today:



Firstly, at the bottom of the page, I have attached a Reading Comprehension about Victorian Workhouses.

Workhouses don’t exist anymore, but there were plenty of them- even in St Helens!

If you want to learn more about workhouses, check out these websites:,the%20elderly%20and%20unmarried%20mothers.



A task for the next couple of days-

Write your favourite things about the town you live in.

You could write it as a description, poem, information poster- it’s up to you!

Find lots of positive things about where you live and the places you can see and go to.

You could start with, 'I love living in ______ because' or 'My local area is a great place to live because...'



At the bottom of the page, I have also attached some measurement worksheets for you to have a go at.

This chart should help you work out the answers.

Remember: when x and ÷ decimals, we move the numbers around the decimal point!

If we multiply, the numbers get BIGGER

If we divide, the numbers get SMALLER.

I will post the answers tomorrow 😊



What new exercises have we been doing, anyway? Is anyone still doing Joe Wicks? I've been challenging myself and beating my 5K times every week- have you guys done any exercise you are proud of? 

Keep it up guys, and remember- keep up the TT Rockstars, too!

Write to you all tomorrow 😊

Miss Davies

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