Super Start to Year Six!

Date: 10th Sep 2021 @ 3:11pm

Welcome back, everyone!

I hope you all had a lovely, safe and relaxing Summer holiday. We are really excited to have welcomed the children back to school this week. It is lovely to see how well they have settled into Year 6, and they are all looking extremely smart in their lovely uniforms. Just a little reminder that jewellery is not permitted at school; watches are allowed, but please do not send your child into school wearing bracelets, earrings or necklaces, etc. 

This week has been extra exciting for us because we have welcomed a new member to our Year 6 team. Mrs Middleton is our new teaching assistant, who will be working with small groups of children during lessons to help them make swift progress. A BIG WELCOME TO MRS MIDDLETON :) 

What we've been up to

This week has been about settling into life in Year 6 and getting to know the staff, classroom and routines. As such, we have done plenty of PSHE, artwork and goal-setting! Next week will be our first full week on timetable, which will be lovely as we can start to enjoy our Identity topic much more.

We've started reading our class novel for this term, 'The Boy at the Back of the Class', and so far, we are really enjoying it!

In other news, we've written a letter to introduce ourselves to Mrs Naylor, started our first maths topic and we've written and delivered speeches to decide who we should elect on our School Council. 

Finally, we are all extremely pleased that we have been able to give out responsibilities again. Our Year 6 children now have jobs to complete around school and most of these are up and running (some are not ready to start yet, but this will happen in the near future). 


Keep checking our blog to see what we've been up to in Super Year Six!