Stone Age topic fun!

Date: 20th Sep 2018 @ 8:52pm


This week we have continued our 'People' topic. We learned about the roots of Jesus’ human family and thought of some questions that we would like to ask Jesus' ancestors. 


We have continued to read our class book, The Stig of the Dump. We have been busy writing diary entries from Barney’s perspective about his adventures so far with Stig. We have talked about the grammatical terms we have used in our writing and enjoyed editing and improving our writing. 


This week, we have been rounding numbers to the nearest 10,100 and 1000. We have enjoyed working out lots of problem solving questions! 


Linking to our Stone Age topic, we have been learning about Stonehenge. We wrote fantastic leaflets, persuading people to go and visit. We included many of the interesting facts that we have learned!

We then looked at different artists and their paintings of Stonehenge. We compared them and thought about how they made us feel and why. We discussed how they used colour to show mood. Then we painted our own! They are so bright and colourful, we just had to put them on display! 

Design and Technology

We learned about Stone Age jewellery, then designed and created our own using playdough. 

Here are some photographs of our busy week! 

Have a wonderful weekend, 

Miss Wood