Stepping Into The Stone Age

Date: 14th Sep 2017 @ 4:39pm

It has been a busy and enjoyable week in Year 4 as we have started to settle into our new routines. Everyone has worked really hard and Mrs Ryan and Miss Barnes are really impressed.

We are all enjoying our ‘Stone Age’ topic and this week, Year 4 created their own cave drawings with Miss Barnes.

In our guided reading sessions, we have been reading ‘Step into the Stone Age’ by Charlotte Hurdman and have learnt lots of interesting facts about the dawn of human kind. For example, did you know that in Stone Age times there were very few people (about eight million) whereas today the population is nearer seven billion!

In Computing, we completed our posters all about life in the Stone Age and used formatting and editing tools to make these bright, colourful and eye-catching. These are now ready to go up on display in our classroom.

We have been working hard in Numeracy identifying the place value of digits in 4-digit numbers. We have also been ordering and comparing 4-digit numbers. Mrs Ryan was really impressed with all of the ‘Magic Mathematicians’ in class this week.

Finally, in Literacy we have continued to read ‘Stig of the Dump’ and have been looking in more detail at the 2 main characters- Stig and Barney. We have written some character descriptions and made inferences about Stig based on what we have read so far. We decided that Stig is a friendly caveman as he rescues Barney when he falls into the chalk pit. We think that Stig must be very good at making things because “his hands look cleverer than his face” and he has used lots of items from the rubbish dump to make his cave into a home. Next week, we are looking forward to writing diary entries from Barney’s perspective about his adventures so far with Stig.

Have a lovely weekend J