Step into the NHS Project Day 2

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 1:48pm

Hi again, Key Stage Two!

I hope you are all well and that you have had a chance to look at yesterday's NHS project. I have heard from some of the Year 6 children that they enjoyed taking part in the activities- I hope you did, too!

I have another little task for you today: this time, you are going to be learning more about the NHS (and even have a little think about jobs you might want to do in the future). 

At the bottom of this blog post, I have attached a PowerPoint which will tell you all you need to know, as well as the activity sheets you will need to complete. I think you will enjoy taking part in today's activities and I am sure you will learn lots about our NHS. 

These tasks are not the competition, but I promise you, we are building up to it! Have a go at the tasks and if there is anything you're not sure of, you can email me at the school email address and I will do my best to help. 

Stay safe and keep smiling,


Mrs Naylor smileyheart

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