Date: 1st Jul 2020 @ 11:52am
FAO parents of children who are attending St. Peter's in September.
Children have been set work to do by both the maths department and science department at school (see previous blogs for details). This blog is to update you on current developments in relation to other subjects / transition in general.
As part of English lessons, children will be reading the book 'Coraline'. St. Peter's have managed to order enough books for every child who will be attending in September. These books are being delivered to primary schools for parents to collect. YOU MUST COLLECT THE BOOK FROM OUR SCHOOL OFFICE. At the time of writing this blog, the books have not yet arrived. I will ensure a text message is sent out to parents when they arrive in school, so you can come and collect a book for your child. **Please note: the book must be signed for by a parent / guardian, as the book is your responsibility once you are in possession of it**
Mrs Pilkington (from the English department) is going to be in touch in the near future with instructions for the children regarding the book and what she would like the children to do around it.
General transition
Mr Santus is finalising a follow up video that should go out this week (I will share the link to this video once it is available). In this video the pupils will get a message from Mr Santus outlining what the plans are: one of the plans involve the children being invited into St. Peter's during the summer holidays. In this video, the children will see each of their form tutors and will meet the other staff that they will come across in their 1st week at St Peter's.
You are also going to be receiving a booklet in the post that has all relevant information for parents and pupils about school uniform etc (this is the information that you would have received at the New Intake Evening). There will be an electronic version of the New Intake Evening that will be shared with you as parents, too.
This is all the information I have for now. Please be assured, I will pass on any further information as soon as I know more.
Mrs Naylor