Sports 4 Kids Challenge

Date: 22nd Jun 2020 @ 4:06pm

Hi Everyone!

I am sorry it is so late that I am posting this! Here is today's Sports 4 Kids challenge, visit this YouTube page to find out all about the activities that you have been set.

Here is some extra information about the activities that will be coming up this week from Sports 4 Kids:

On each day of Sports Week (Monday 22nd-Friday 26th June) Sport4Kids will send you a different challenge to share with all your pupils  at home.

There will be video instructions and written instructions for each daily activity

Each year group will have a specific challenge to complete.

There will be certificates of participation and certificates for children achieving the top three scores in each year group for each activity.

Schools will then be able to submit overall scores to Sport4Kids to see which child is the local S4K Champion for each year group.

What are the daily at home challenges?

Monday 22nd June                           - Athletics

Tuesday 23rd June                            - Football

Wednesday 24th June                    - Cricket

Thursday 25th June                          - Sock Boccia

Friday -26th June                              - Fitness Friday

This is our chance to help our children enjoy some traditional school sport events so please help us to inspire your pupils at home to join in!

Good luck and enjoy!

Miss Gradwell