Seasonal Poetry

Date: 6th Dec 2022 @ 3:12pm

As part of our literacy lessons, we have been looking at poetry- specifically seasonal poetry. After spending some time unpicking the features of poetry, we planned and wrote our very own. We were each asked to choose a season, and to write a poem about that season. 

Before writing our own individual poems, we composed one as a class. Here it is...



My Seasonal Poem - by Year 6



Winter comes like a banshee, wild and free  

She wraps the world in cold, 

She sends presents that we open underneath the tree, 

Or so we have been told. 


Smell the aroma of sugary, hot cocoa 

As we write lists by the fire, 

Children go out to frolic in the snow, 

Only returning home when they tire. 


Winter is a fragile beauty, like glass 

The most wonderful time of the year, 

People file into church for Christmas Eve mass 

With smiles from ear to ear 


Women, men and children walk in a winter wonderland 

The cutting, cold wind wails as it whirls, 

Children cavort with snowballs in each hand 

Christmas has arrived for boys and girls. 


Winter starts to fade away 

She bids the world good night 

Luckily, Spring has saved the day 

Bringing new life, hope and light.