Reception News - 25th September

Date: 24th Sep 2020 @ 2:02pm

Reception News

We've had a very busy but fun week!

Come and See

Thank you to those who have sent family photos. We will be including these in our lessons in the next couple of weeks. Please could you send your family photo if you haven't already. 

We shared God's message this week. 

God says: You are precious to me. I love you. I know your name. Isaiah 43 1:2


You might have heard all about Cheeky Chimp this week. He has been making the wrong choices. The children have been teaching him how to make the right choices by telling him the rules.

We have written our names and added our handprints to show that we promise to try our best to follow them. 

In maths we have been matching and sorting objects. We are very good at this.


Please have a look at the Phonics Guidence and Phase 1 Games documents attached. These will hopefully explain what phonics is, how we teach it and how you can support your child at home. 


We have started phonics this week. We are learning to recognise our sounds. This week we have looked at the following sounds: s  a  t  and p.

We have been identifying objects that begin with these sounds. We have also had a go at blending the sounds together to make and read words such as sat, pat and tap. 

Finally, we have been introduced to 'tricky words'. These are words that need to be learned by sight. You'll find a new set of these words stuck in yellow reading records every week. 

Below I have attached some letter formation sheets for the children to refer to. They include a visual prompt for each sound as well as the rhyme we say to help form the letter correctly. Please feel free to use other activities to practise letter formation (see Phonics Guidance for suggestions). 


Have a great weekend everyone!

From, The Reception Team

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