Poetry Week 2021

Date: 7th Oct 2021 @ 12:11pm


This week, we have been learning all about the beauty of poetry. The theme for our poems this year has been 'Choice'. 


We have learned a poem off by heart to recite in an assembly, which is based on our current topic 'Identity'. This poem also links with this year's theme as it is about refugees, who flee their homes as they have NO CHOICE. See below for our poem in a PowerPoint format.


In class, we have also been devising our own poems about our Dream Day. Here are a few examples:


Deacon - 

Breakfast: 5 scoops of rocky road, 100 Oreos with chocolate syrup and 10 marshmallows

Darkness decreases my sight

I'm with friends, family and The Avengers

I am playing football with Everton and we are playing on the moon. Ronaldo and Messi are there

There are 61 aliens watching me play

The soundtrack is all the aliens roaring in the crowd

At night, I sleep in a King Size bed, on my side, in space

I am floating and it is quiet. 


Faye - 

Breakfast: five pancakes with strawberry, sliced banana, with lots of lucky Nutella on top of the pancakes and an Oreo milkshake

The sun sparkles on the sea and 

It is me and my dad dancing in a stadium on the sea with all of England watching

60 lights shine in my eyes

The soundtrack is my favourite song

At night, I sleep in a king size bed

A magical mansion, floating away from the shore, with my dad in a single bed 

And I am in my favourite pyjamas.


Harrison - 

Breakfast: 15 stacks of choc chip pancakes

The snowy snowman gives me a snowball

It is me and my family

I am playing rugby and smashing and hurting people

I have 58 team mates in my rugby team

I like the sound of the wind and

At night I will sleep at the International Space Station


Kiera - 

Breakfast: warm chocolate fudge cake with custard and a side of strawberries and cookies

Warm wind whispers at my face

I am with my friends

We all go shopping and have unlimited money to spend, empty shops to ourselves and a restaurant which is all you can eat

20 doughnut carts pass us as we are walking

My favourite song is playing in the background

At night, I sleep in a bouncy castle in a sleeping bag with my friends all around me

While dreaming about all the fun I have had.

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