Poetry Week

Date: 6th Oct 2017 @ 3:28pm

This week has been ‘Poetry Week’ in school and, in Year 4, we have enjoyed reading and analysing a wide range of poems during our writing lessons, guided reading sessions and reading comprehension lesson.

Some of the poems we have explored include: Stone Age, Baby, Stone Age, From the Seafarer, When I Was a Boy , The Brave Old Duke of York, Queen Caroline, Dandy, A Poem for the Collar of the King’s Dog, My Shadow, Alien and The Mystery Creatures.

We began ‘Poetry Week’ by exploring different poetic devices such as rhyme, alliteration, similes and personification. We discussed the definition and purpose of each technique and found examples of these in different poems.

On Thursday afternoon, the children performed the poem, Stone Age, Baby, Stone Age to the rest of the school in assembly. Both Mrs Ryan and Miss Barnes were really proud of the children as they performed the poem beautifully using clear, loud speaking voices and lots of expression. Well done everyone!

The children have all planned and drafted their own Stone Age poems following the pattern used in Stone Age, Baby, Stone Age. Mrs Ryan has been really impressed with the children’s drafts so far as well as their enthusiasm and knowledge around the ‘Stone Age' topic. Final versions will be written up next week and displayed in our classroom for everyone to see.

In other news, Year 4 are continuing to enjoy our Science topic, ‘Living Things and their Habitats’ So far, we have explored the seven life processes (MRS GREN) and have made comparisons between different living things. We have also practised using scientific keys to classify vertebrates and invertebrates and have thought about potential threats to different habitats and what can be done to help reduce these. Today, the children were detectives as they embarked on an ‘invertebrate hunt’ around the playground. Some of the invertebrates spotted included: ants, snails and worms. Pictures of this activity have been uploaded to our gallery page.

We have also been working very hard in Numeracy subtracting numbers with up to 4- digits using the column method and using exchanging. We have also practised rounding, estimating and using the inverse to check the answers to calculations. Today, Year 4 had a go at solving word problems involving both addition and subtraction. Mrs Ryan has been very impressed with the children’s mathematical skills and their enthusiasm and love of learning is a pleasure to see!

Have a great weekend everyone. See you all next week. smiley