Parachute Investigation

Date: 25th Feb 2022 @ 4:02pm

As part of our Science topic, Forces, we have been looking into air resistance. 

This learning prompted us to plan and carry out a scientific investigation to answer the following question:

What makes a good parachute?

We worked in small groups to come up with a variable we could change. Our job then was to produce three parachutes (identical in every aspect other than our chosen variable)  and test them to see if there was much of a difference in the time they took to hit the ground. 

Some of us looked at the size of the parachute; others investigated whether the shape of the parachute made a difference; while some people tested different materials for their parachute (amongst other great ideas!)


Below, you will see some photographs of us creating and testing our parachutes. Our next step is to analyse our results, try to explain them and come up with a conclusion.