Monday 8th June

Date: 8th Jun 2020 @ 11:52am

Morning, guys!

I hope you are all well and that you had a fantastic two weeks off. Did you do anything exciting or fun? Don't forget to email the school email address or post on our class Purple Mash blog to let me know how you all are and what you've been up to.

Time to get back to the grindstone, now! I've got lots of things to keep you busy! wink

Firstly, don't forget that BBC Bitesize continue to provide daily lessons, which are very useful and interesting. Here is a little explanation of today's lessons...

Maths - finding a rule with one or two steps

Literacy - using apostrophes (this will be good practise for everyone- it is something we get confused with at times when writing).

History - Anglo-Saxon art and culture (sounds fascinating!)

For those of you who would like a little extra maths and literacy work, I have attached a booklet to the bottom of this blog. This is some of the work we are completing in school this week, so it would be great for you to complete it at home. These booklets are produced every week, so every Monday, I will attach them to the blog so you can keep up with what we are doing in school. 

Now, today is National Best Friend Day. In school, we are going to be producing some work around the theme of friendship, including writing a friendship poem. In times such as this, where you might not see your friends as much as you'd like, today would be a lovely chance to express to them just how good a friend they are and how much you appreciate them.

Here are some ideas of activities you could do today to commemmorate this day whilst at home. 

* Make a card for your best friend and give it to them next time you see them

* Write a friendship poem or prayer

* Write a short story about friendship

* Produce a poster with some top tips on how to be a good friend

* Listen to songs about friendship and look for common words or phrases that they use (you could then write these words on strips of paper and make a friendship paper chain!)

* Make a friendship bracelet

* Speak to your best friend over the phone and agree to plan a fun activity to do together when things are back to normal.

Tomorrow, I will post some pictures of the work we have been doing in school all about friendship. It would be lovely if you could send some photographs to school so I can share some of your work, too! 

A final reminder- please don't forget to read every day for at least 20 minutes. It is SO important to keep up with your reading. Oh and don't forget about Times Tables Rockstars; Hope is STILL unbeaten! Come on Year 6!


I will speak to you all tomorrow,

Mrs Naylor heart

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