Monday 6th July
Date: 6th Jul 2020 @ 8:14am
Good Morning Year 4!
Another week is here already! I hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for a new week of home learning. There are only two more weeks until the summer holidays, so let’s work hard and then you can relax and enjoy the rest!
I will start with your weekly reminders:
- Read every day. This could be Roman Rescue, a story from Serial Mash or a book you have at home.
- Practise your times tables every day. You can use Times Tables Rock Stars, Monster Multiplication, Hit the Button or
- Exercise regularly. There are lots of ways to do this, you could follow Joe Wicks’ PE lessons or complete a dance workout on YouTube (with a parents’ permission) or you could get outside an play football, ride your bike or any other way you can think of to keep active.
BBC Bitesize’s English lesson today is revising conjunctions. Conjunctions help us to add extra information to sentences. We have looked at two different types of conjunctions this year:
- Co-ordinating conjunctions - join together two equally important clauses in a sentence. The clauses are equally important. The co-ordinating conjunctions are For And Nor But Or Yet So.
- Subordinating conjunctions - link a main clause and a subordinate clause together in a sentence. They help to add the extra information that tells us when, why or where something happens. Subordinating conjunctions include If Since As When Although While After Before Until Because.
I have attached a co-ordinating conjunctions activity and a subordinating conjunctions activity to this blog to give you some extra practise using these different types of conjunctions.
Maths today is looking at different types of angles. This is a topic we would have been covering if we were in school this term.
I have attached a PowerPoint about the different types of angles and an activity which asks you to identify the types of angles shown.
This week is Arts Week on Bitesize. This means that there will be a variety of music, drama and art activities throughout the week. Today’s lesson is a music lesson looking at finding sounds. Sounds can be made using lots of different things around your home. Your challenge is to create an instrument and then use it to explore rhythm and pulse. Enjoy!
Finally, it has been a while since a new chapter of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone has been uploaded, but chapter twelve is finally here!
Have a good day, work hard and I will talk to you tomorrow.
Miss Gradwell
P.S. Have a look at the fantastic letter Deacon has written to Mrs Hymers telling her all about his time home schooling.