Monday 4th May

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 11:31am

Morning, Year 6!

Today brings the start of a new week (and hopefully some beautiful weather- fingers crossed!) I hope you all had a lovely weekend and rested, ready to start another week of home learning. 


How are you all getting on with last week's project for the NHS? Don't forget, you have until the 19th June to finish it and submit it, so please don't feel you have to rush! I am extremely excited about seeing all of your finished projects. Please do send me pictures so I can see all of your brilliant work. Remember- they are looking for creativity (going that extra mile) AND they want to see you have learnt a lot about the NHS, so make sure you show off your understanding. 


Special shout out today to Hope and Chloe, who have written their own poem about Coronavirus. You can read it below...


Covid 19 has got out of hand

Social gatherings have been banned


WE are running out of food and water

The percentage of the infected is now a quarter


Were all stuck at home with nothing to do

When will lock down end? No-one's got a clue !


Corona virus is making people ill

This deadly virus is known to kill


Wash your hands so they are germ free

AS the little things you cannot see !


There is limited travel to far away places

And we wear a mask to protect our faces


Do some schoolwork when you are at home

Face time a friend so you are not alone !


Social distance….stay away six feet

And DON’T forget you cannot meet


The NHS are working hard

So draw a rainbow , or make a card ?


To thank our keyworkers we clap at 8

So every Thursday don’t be late !


Stay safe, stay home and protect the NHS


Hope and Chloe Eden 01st of May 2020


I love this poem, girls. It is very well-written and sums up exactly how to stay safe. Thank you for working together to produce this. It's great! yes


Also, MASSIVE shout out to Beau- he's only gone and become a ROCK LEGEND on Times Tables Rockstars, with an average score of less than 2 seconds! Well done, Beau- you rock!


This week, I am going to give you another little project (nothing too time-consuming as I know you've got your NHS competition entry to be working on, as well as doing daily reading, Times Tables Rockstars and some exercise wink).


This week's project is very simple and will help your mental health. This is what I want you to do: I want you to produce a gratitude journal (gratitude means to be grateful and show appreciation). Every day, I want you to do these three things in your exercise book:

1. Write down how you are feeling at that moment in time. You might want to draw an emoji that corresponds with it. smileysadcheekyblushsurpriseangrycrying

2. Make a list of things you are grateful for today (try to make them different each day- for example I might be grateful for the sunshine on one day and I might be grateful for my friend sending me a nice message on another day). I challenge you to find 3 things each day you are grateful for!

3. Set yourself a goal that you would like to achieve by the end of the following day. 


That's it! I would love to be able to publish someone's gratitude entry every day, so please email them to me when you have completed them. It would also be wonderful if you could let me know if you achieve the goals you set yourself the day before. I am going to do an example to show you exactly what you could do.


Mrs Naylor's Gratitude Journal Entry - Monday 4th May

1. Today, I am feeling happy and calm. laugh

2. I am grateful for the lovely weather because we can go outside at school. I am also grateful for Mrs O'Donoghue because she put a smile on my face this morning. Finally, I am grateful for my health as there are lots of people around the country who are quite poorly. 

3. A goal I would like to set myself to achieve is that I would like to make as many people smile as possible.

It's as easy as that, Year 6. I know you are all working extremely hard at home and I am very proud of you for that. Let's spend this week really thinking about how lucky we are, trying to be positive and making the best out of our current situation.


Right, I'm off to soak up some sunshine, I will speak to you all tomorrow.

Keep smiling

Mrs Naylor


PS- here's a joke for you... 

I tried to catch fog yesterday. Mist. 

Did I make any of you smile? If I did, please let me know- it will help me to achieve my goal! wink