Monday 30th March

Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 8:56am

Good morning year 4!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and managed to get outside and enjoy the lovely weather. 

Did anyone 'visit' Chester Zoo on Friday? If you did, what was your favourite animal?

Can you believe week 2 of home learning is here already?

Hopefully you have all been reading every day and have managed to complete your chapter summaries and book reviews for your first book. It is really important that you read every day and ask an adult to ask you questions about the book you are reading or complete the question on Serial Mash. David Walliams is still releasing a new story every day at 11am. This is a great time for you to take a break and relax while listening to a fantastic story.

You should all be making good progress with your home learning booklets. Make sure you are trying to complete 2 pages of maths and english each day. I have set a couple of new 2Do's on Purple Mash - one is about time and the other is about fronted adverbials.

Keep logging on to Times Tables Rockstars. I have set some more sessions for you this week. Try to complete 10 studio sessions and 5 soundchecks. You are all making great progress and our times are really improving. Congratulations to Kiera who was Friday's times tables superstar!

I hope you are all enjoying researching your Romans projects and have found lots of interesting facts that we can share with each other when we are back in school. If you are feeling creative, you could make a model to go with your project that can be displayed in class.

Keep working hard and remember to exercise regularly (Joe Wicks is still posting PE classes each day on his YouTube channel).

I'll talk to you again tomorrow, 

Miss Gradwell