Monday 29th June
Date: 28th Jun 2020 @ 4:13pm
Good Morning Year 4!
I hope you all had a lovely weekend! Did you manage to relax and have a break from work? Hopefully you did and now you are ready to work hard again this week!
Did you all enjoy the sports activities last week? If you have any scores don’t forget to send them into school. Can you keep up the sporting activities this week? Could you create a sports timetable for the week? If you do create a timetable send me an email and I can share it on the blog for other people to have a go at!
I will start with your weekly reminders to read every day and practise your times tables. I hope you are all getting into Roman Rescue and are enjoying the story. The boys won the times tables battle last week – well done boys! The usual times tables challenges have been set for this week, good luck!
Today’s English lesson from BBC Bitesize is looking at adding suffixes to words. A suffix is a letter or group of letters that goes on the end of a word and changes the word's meaning. For example we could change the word happy by adding different suffixes:
- Adding –er – happy becomes happier
- Adding –est – happy becomes happiest
I have attached a PowerPoint all about suffixes and an activity for you to look at.
Maths this week is all about statistics. Today’s focus is interpreting charts. This lesson looks at how to read tables, pictograms and bar charts and how to use the data they show you to answer questions. This is a topic we looked at in class before Easter. Can you remember the important features of a bar chart?
- They must have a title.
- The axis must be labelled.
- The bars must be the same width and there should be a gap in between each bar.
Have a look at the PowerPoint I have attached which will tell you about different types of charts then have a go at the activity I have attached.
The final lesson today carries on from last week’s history lesson. It is about why farming was so important to the ancient Mayas. It looks really interesting!
Florence has emailed to show me her All About Me artwork from last week. It is a lovely piece of work! I have attached it to this blog for you all to have a look at.
Keep working hard and I will talk to you again tomorrow.
Miss Gradwell