Monday 29th June
Date: 24th Jun 2020 @ 11:40am
Good morning, everyone!
It is the start of a new week, so that means 5 more days of home learning and an abundance of opportunities to learn something new! I hope you all had a restful weekend and are ready for the week ahead. Hopefully we will get some nicer weather than we're having this morning!
This week is National Art Week. The theme for this week is 'Natural Materials'. As such, some of your tasks will be nature-related. Here is this week's list of jobs for you. Complete as many as you can to the best of your ability and don't forget to send me lots of pictures!
1. Create a piece of natural artwork- go for a walk around your garden (weather permitting), collect leaves, twigs, flowers and pebbles and use them to produce a piece of artwork on a piece of A4 paper. You might want to produce a picture such as an animal, object or person. You might want to create a pattern using the items you have collected, or you could even fill the page and make a collage. The decision is yours to make!
2. Pick one of the following artists and research into their careers. They are all interesting people, who have done something amazing with natural materials.
Sam Van Aken, Jacek Tylicki, Tomas Gabzdil Libertiny, Gerard Moline and Andy Goldsworthy.
3. Create a piece of land art (like Andy Goldsworthy) outside and take a photograph.
4. Collect as many leaves as you can and use them to do some printing with paint onto paper. Make a pattern or a mandala (circular pattern that has different rings of patterns).
5. Follow this tutorial on YouTube to learn how to paint a tree using cotton buds (make sure you get permission from your parents to visit the site first).
6. Research into the Maya Civilisation and write down 10 interesting facts you have learned about them.
7. Write a recount or diary entry of what you did at the weekend. Try to use parenthesis, a colon and passive voice in your writing.
8. Find out what Mayan hot chocolate contains and give it a try!
9. Produce a written set of instructions on how to make Mayan hot chocolate.
10. Watch this video of Pok-ta-pok on YouTube (again, please get permission from your parents) Without researching, what do you think the rules of the game are? Once you have had a guess, find out the answer.
As usual, I have attached the home learning pack for this week to the blog, along with the answers if you need them.
BBC Bitesize for today:
Maths - introduction to ratio
Literacy - writing clear instructions using parenthesis
History - what was life like in Benin?
I will now leave you alone and stop bombarding you with work. Have a go at the above tasks and let me know how you get on. Have fun and keep working hard. I will speak to you all tomorrow.
Mrs Naylor