Monday 29th June Blog

Date: 25th Jun 2020 @ 2:52pm

Happy Monday, everyone!

Have you all had a fabulous weekend?

I certainly hope so!

I have lots to share with you today!

I will be posting a blog every day, but most of the work you will need will be on this blog- attached below (Home Learning Pack and Maths Activity mats).



This week is one of 3 National Children's Art Weeks this year.

This week's theme is 'The Natural World', and there are lots of activities on the Children's Art Week website:

You can collect items in nature to make pictures, doodle animals, make eco-friendly art work and generally have lots of fun with the family, exploring art.

You could spend each day having a go at each of the activities if you like!

Today,  why not have a go at creating a nature sculpture!?

Here's an example of one: 

You could use different types of leaves and string, sticks etc to invent your own!



Today’s work-


  • Home Learning Pack- Similes and Metaphors
  • BBC Bitesize: Writing adverts and brochures using comedy



  • Home Learning Pack: Correspondence Problems
  • BBC Bitesize:Measuring Angles
  • Activity Mat 1 (at the bottom of the page)


Topic work:

  • Here is a video tour of The World of Glass.

As you all may know, we should have been visiting The World of Glass for our class trip this half term. 

Watch the video, and use it to create something for your project. It could be a drawing, a leaflet, an advertisement, a recount, a diary entry, PowerPoint or even just a desscription about one of the things you saw in the video-whatever you like!

  • BBC Bitesize: What was life like in Benin?



Every day this week, I will be posting this link:

On the website, there is a list of 60-second exercises for you to have a go at.

You could pick one a day and complete it, you could pick a few a day- but maybe try to challenge yourself to do more of each, every day!

Finally, it is also the start of Wimbledon week this week. For those of you that may not know, Wimbledon is the oldest and arguably most famous tennis tournament in the world, which takes place here in the UK. Unfortunately, Wimbledon cannot take place this year  for obvious reasons, but in order to still celebrate it, I have attached a Wimbledon Reading Comprehension at the bottom of the page. 

You could also create your own tennis racket (if you don't already have one yourself) by cellotaping a wooden spoon to a paper plate. That way, you could re-create your very own Wimbledon tennis tournament at home (if the weather improves, of course)!



Write to you all in the morning 😊

Miss Davies


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