Monday 27th April

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 8:38am

Good morning Year 4!

Another week of home learning is here. I hope you all had a lovely weekend and were able to spend time outside enjoying the fantastic weather we have been having.

It was lovely to be able to talk to so many of you on Friday and find out what you have been doing at home. I am really impressed with how hard you have all been working and how much you have all done in the time that we have been learning at home. Florence and Joseph, I didn’t manage to speak to the two of you, but I did talk to one your parents who told me all about your hard work and the activities you have been doing. Sofia and Faye, I did try ringing you lots of times but there was no answer – maybe you were outside enjoying the sunshine when I rang. It would be lovely to hear from you so maybe you could post on the class blog to tell me what you have been up to at home. I will try to call again when I am back in school.

I would like to give a big shout out to Deacon, Lexie, Maya, Florence and Gabriel for completing their sound leaflets on Purple Mash, they produced some great work!

I have attached the answers to the spelling, punctuation and grammar activity and the maths activity from Friday to this blog so that you can mark your work.

Some of you might remember that our new topic for the summer term was going to be ‘Water, Water Everywhere’. This topic involves learning all about the water cycle. This week I am going to set you a challenge! I would like you to read the information about the water cycle that I will be posting on the blog throughout the week and any research you do yourself to create a report on the water cycle.

I have set a 2Do on Purple Mash which is a blank template for you to create your report on. You can add text boxes to the report along with images. I would like you to write the information in your own words, please don’t copy and paste from the internet – I will be able to tell! If you would rather do your report on paper at home that is fine too. If you choose to do this report on paper, please could you take a photo of the finished product and ask a parent to help you email it to school so that I can see your hard work.

The BBC Bitesize website has some useful pages about the water cycle:

What is the water cycle?

What is evaporation and condensation?

This YouTube video also explains how the water cycle works:

Your main task for today should be to watch the videos above and then make sure you understand the following terms:

  • Evaporation
  • Condensation
  • Precipitation
  • Accumulation

Don’t forget to keep checking the BBC Bitesize daily lessons. Today’s maths lesson focuses on adding 4-digit numbers. This is something that we have done lots in class, but it is always good to practise. The English lesson is all about prepositions – can anyone remember what a preposition is? Finally, there is a history lesson today looking at pre-historic Britain. We learnt about pre-historic Britain in our very first topic ‘The Stone Age to the Iron Age’ so you could use this as a bit of revision and to see what you can remember.

Finally for today, remember to keep up your times tables practise and find time to read each day.

Keep up the fantastic work and I will post again tomorrow,

Miss Gradwell

P.S. The answers to the SPAG and maths activities from Friday are attached to this blog.

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