Monday 23rd March

Date: 23rd Mar 2020 @ 8:18am

Good Morning!

I hope you all had a good weekend.

Day one of home learning has begun!

Let's try and get our Times Tables Rockstars accounts up and running today. The website is then you need to click on login and school pupils. Search for St Mary's Catholic Primary School, Wigan then login using the username and password in your pack. I have set a challenge for this week to be completed on Times Tables Rockstars. You can also practise your times tables on Purple Mash and Hit the Button!

Also, today would be a good day to log on to Purple Mash and choose one of the book in Serial Mash. Read the first chapter and complete the multiple choice questions. Then you can fill in your first chapter summary worksheet from your home learning pack. If you can't get onto Purple Mash, read a chapter of one of the home reader books in your pack and complete a chapter summary sheet for this. 

Finally, don't forget to start thinking about your Romans project. Try and decide which area you would like to focus on so you can begin researching.

I will post again tomorrow!

Miss Gradwell