Monday 22nd June

Date: 22nd Jun 2020 @ 9:13am

Morning, everyone! laugh

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for the week ahead. Hopefully, we are in for some nicer weather this week, so don't forget to make the most of it and get outside for some fresh air. 

This week is National Sports Week: each day, Sports4Kids will be posting videos of challenges for you to complete on their YouTube channel. Here is the link to their channel and a break down of the sports they will be challenging you with:

Monday 22nd June - Athletics

Tuesday 23rd June - Football

Wednesday 24th June - Cricket

Thursday 25th June - Sock Boccia

Friday -26th June - Fitness Friday yes

This week, I will be doing the blog differently. I will be giving you a list of tasks today and using the rest of the week to check in with you and see how you're getting on. That way, you will be able to work at your own pace and complete activities that you can, when you can. 

Here are the things I would like you to do this week (excluding daily reading, Times Tables Rockstars, Sports4Kids and the BBC Bitesize activities, which I will post on the blog each day for you). 

1. Set up your own obstacle course in your garden and complete it with as many family members as you can.

2. Research the artist Mimi Revencu and find out as much as you can about her (you could present this research in a report, leaflet or poster). 

3. Choose one of Mimi's paintings and try to recreate it using whatever materials you would like. 

4. Complete as much of the Home Learning Booklet (attached to this blog) as you can.

5. Write a short piece of descriptive writing about an imaginary world of your choosing, using lots of similes and metaphors. 

6. Pick your favourite sport and play it with your family. 

7. Research Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution.

8. Find out what the word 'inheritance' means in a scientific context and make a list of traits you have inherited from your mum and dad. Who are you most like?

9. Keep a log of the exercise you do each day. If you have a FitBit or Smart Watch, try and track the number of steps you do each day and challenge yourself to beat it each day. 

10. Produce your own comic about a topic of your choosing.


BBC Bitesize:

Maths - perimeter and area of rectilinear shapes

Literacy - Writing comics and using ellipsis

History - the Kingdom of Benin


I think I've given you enough for now, so I will leave you to it! I'll check back in with you tomorrow. 

Mrs Naylor heart

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