Monday 20th July - Final Week!

Date: 20th Jul 2020 @ 8:04am

Good Morning Year 4!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Can you believe that the last 3 days of term are here already?

I have a very special letter from Miss Davies for you to read today. She has written to you to tell you all about Year 5, it sounds very exciting. Miss Davies has also asked me to share a SPaG glossary and a Year 5 spelling list with you. Have a look at these over summer as they will help you prepare for Year 5.

Over the next 3 days I will be posting activities on the blogs which should help you to revise some of the work from Year 4 and prepare for Year 5.

Today I have attached a Maths and an English revision booklet. The answer booklets are also attached to this blog.

Finally for today, I have attached a memories worksheets. Take some time to think about your favourite memories from Year 4 then use the worksheet to record them. You could write about them or draw pictures – be as creative as you can be.

I will post more transition activities tomorrow. Have a good day and I will talk to you tomorrow.

Miss Gradwell :) 

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