Monday 20th April

Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 9:24am

Good morning year 4!

I hope you have all had a lovely Easter and have stayed safe over the 2 week break. Have you all managed to get outside and spend some time enjoying the lovely weather we’ve been having? If you have done anything that you would like to share with us don’t forget you can e-mail information and pictures to

Now that the 2 week break is over it is time to get back into some work. Keep working through your home learning packs if you haven’t already finished them. I will continue to post daily to keep in touch and set you extra work to keep you busy.

It is really important that you read every day. You can choose books from Serial Mash to read and then complete the online questions at the end of each chapter. If you are reading one of your own books ask an adult to ask you questions about what you are reading. Here are some questions that could be asked:

  • Can you predict what is going to happen next? Why did you make that prediction?
  • What is the problem to be solved in this story? Is there a solution?
  • What has happened so far?
  • Who is the main character in the story?
  • Who are the other characters in the story?
  • What is your favourite part of the chapter or book?
  • Describe your favourite character.
  • Are there any words you don’t know the meaning of?

It is also important that you keep practising your times tables and do some maths every day. I will continue to set challenges on Times Tables Rock Stars. Will any of you be able to beat Mrs Hymer’s time of 1.24 seconds per question? I think you will if you keep up the hard work!

The science activities linked to sound are still active on Purple Mash for you to have a look at. Read the information PowerPoint and the information I have attached to this blog and create a short information leaflet all about sound.

I have set up a year 4 blog on Purple Mash. If you search 2blog and click on the icon under tools and games it will take you to the blogs page. Click on year 4 on the right hand side then click on view blog. You should then be able to see my first post. If you click on the green + symbol in the top right corner you will be able to add a post of your own. This week, I would love for you to write a blog post telling me about something you have done over Easter. Remember to think about full stops, capital letters and paragraphs when writing. I can’t wait to hear from you!

I’ll talk to you again tomorrow,

Miss Gradwell

P.S. Look back at the Music Lessons blog for information about how to access flute lessons at home!

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