Monday 18th May

Date: 18th May 2020 @ 8:21am

Good morning Year 4!

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. Week 7 of home learning has arrived; I can’t believe how quickly the weeks are going!

I will start with your weekly reminder to read every day. You can choose one of the stories on Serial Mash or read a book you have at home. It is also important to answer questions about what you are reading. You also need to practise your times tables every day. About half of you completed the Times Tables Rock Stars challenges that I set last week. Let’s see if we can do even better this week and have even more people completing these sessions.

I have been impressed at how many of you have completed the perimeter and area 2Do’s on Purple Mash. About 20 of you have completed both activities so far and there is still time for more of you to do them this week. I am also really pleased that some of you have been writing stories on Purple Mash. I am going to spend some time this week reading them, so look out for my comments. I would also like to say a huge well done to Reggie who has sent me an email with his fantastic story Jimmy the Friendly Octopus. You have worked so hard to produce this brilliant piece of writing Reggie!

BBC Bitesize are continuing with their fantastic lessons. Today’s maths lesson is focussing on tenths and hundredths which is something we have looked at in class. Have a look at the lesson to remind yourself all about them.

Today’s English lesson is all about fact and opinion. Can you remember the difference between the two? If you can, explain this to an adult at home.

  • A fact is something that is true, can be proven and is supported by evidence.
  • An opinion is how or what a person may think or feel about something. Different people can have different opinions.

I have attached an activity booklet to this blog. It has a Maths and English activity for each day of the week and it follows the lessons covered on BBC Bitesize maths and while it is slightly different to the English lots of the same topics are covered, so if you would like any extra practice this will be a great resource. Page 2 is about tenths and hundredths and page 5 is looking at facts and opinions.

The final lesson today is a history lesson. Today’s focus is the Bronze Age. This is the era that came after the Stone Age. This all ties in to our very first topic in September so have a look and see how much you can remember.

Chapter four, The Keeper of the Keys, of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is available to listen to now. This chapter introduces you to one of my favourite characters in the Harry Potter series – Rubeus Hagrid.

Keep up the hard work year 4, I am really proud of what you are all doing at home and the effort you are putting into your work.

I will talk to you again tomorrow,

Miss Gradwell

Note to parents – I have also attached the guidance and answer document for the activity booklet to this blog. I would also like to thank you all for your continued support and for the emails you have been sending in, it has been lovely to see the hard work the children have been doing at home.

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