Monday 15th June
Date: 14th Jun 2020 @ 9:33pm
Good Morning, everyone and happy Monday!
I hope you all had a lovely weekend and a nice rest. We had some lovely weather this weekend- did you all manage to get some fresh air and spend some time outdoors? I hope so!
Back to work today! I have posted this week's home learning pack that we will be completing in school to the blog. I've also attached the answers, too, so you can mark your work once you've finished it.
Today's BBC Bitesize lessons are also up and ready to be accessed. Here is what is on offer for you today...
Maths: Forming and solving two-step equations
Literacy: Analysing and performing poems
History: Who were the Vikings?
As usual, the lessons look really interesting, so make sure you check them out. Remember, if you happen to miss a lesson or forget to complete them on one day, you can always go back and participate in previous lessons, too. This website is a great resource to use, so please make the most of it.
This week, it is Refugee Week. I feel that this topic is extremely pertinent to what is going on in the world news and media today. There is a lot of anger, uncertainty and call for change going on. Looking at differences in individual people, refugees included, will help us to understand human rights and help pave the way forward for a better future for everyone.
As part of this week, we will be completing some activities in school based on refugees and asylum seekers. Today's task is to produce an acrostic poem using the word 'human'. (Watch this video before completing the task so you have a better understanding The acrostic poem is a 2do on Purple Mash, so if you log in, it will pop up as an alert for you to complete. I will have a little look at them later on today and choose one or two to share with you tomorrow.
Also this week, I am going to post a riddle on the blog each day for a bit of fun- see if you can crack them and find out the answers. Each day, I will post a different riddle and I will give you the answer to the previous day's riddle. Here is Monday's:
What is always in front of you but can never be seen?
Check tomorrow's blog for the answer!
That's it from me for today. Don't forget to keep that brain ticking over with some daily maths, reading and exercise. I will speak to you all again tomorrow.
Mrs Naylor
PS. for those of you who are emailing me or sending messages via Purple Mash, please don't be offended if I don't reply to you- I promise you that I read every single email and they all make me smile. I am teaching full time again now, so my spare time is spent planning work for all of you to do and preparing these blogs so I can stay in touch with you all. Please know I will try to publish some work that you send across where I can, but I can't promise that I will post everything you send. Keep working hard, though; it is not going unnoticed!
Much love