Monday 13th July

Date: 13th Jul 2020 @ 8:10am

Good Morning Year 4!

It is Monday again, I am amazed how quickly the weeks are going! It is your last full week of home learning, so let’s work hard knowing that it is very nearly the summer holidays.

I will be setting work this week then next week I will be setting some transition activities to give you a chance to celebrate your hard work in school and at home this year and to look ahead to next year and the things you are looking forward to.

Today’s BBC Bitsize lesson is looking at lines of symmetry. A 2D shape is symmetrical if a line can be drawn through it so that either side of the line looks exactly the same. I have attached a PowerPoint and a display poster to this blog which will give you some more information about lines of symmetry along with some activities to have a go at.

The English lesson today is revisiting fronted adverbials. A fronted adverbial is when an adverbial word or phrase is moved to the front of the sentence, before the verb. We have looked at fronted adverbials of time, place and manner in class.

  • Last night, I had pizza for dinner. (Time)
  • At the park, I went on the swings. (Place)
  • Excitedly, I ran to the park. (Manner)

I have attached a PowerPoint which recaps fronted adverbials and I have attached a selection of activities for you to practise using them. Have a look at the activities and choose the ones you would like to complete.

The final lesson today is a science lesson. It is a science experiment investigating how sound travels, using a kind of gong made from a metal coat hanger (or an oven or cake rack) and some string. The gong makes a surprising and intriguing sound – but only when you have your fingers in your ears. It looks fascinating. I have attached the experiment to the blog.

Finally, remember to read every day, practise your times tables and exercise as often as you can.

Have a lovely day and I will talk to you all tomorrow.

Miss Gradwell

P.S. Mrs Hymers will be posting a very important letter on the website today all about September. It will also tell you who your teacher will be next year!

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