Monday 11th May
Date: 11th May 2020 @ 8:05am
Good morning Year 4!
I hope you all had a lovely bank holiday weekend. Did you manage to spend some time outside in the sunshine on Friday and Saturday?
Can you believe week 6 of home learning is here? I can’t! I am also missing seeing you all every day, but it is lovely that we can all keep in touch using out Year 4 blog on Purple Mash. Keep posting about the things you have been doing at home.
Saskia sent me a picture of her water cycle in a bag. Once again, you can see that it has started to work and that there is condensation forming inside the bag.
I know lots of you are keeping up your times tables practise as I can see your scores, which keep improving, on Times Tables Rock Stars. Again, there are some sessions set for you to complete this week. It is also really important that you continue to read every day. I have attached a copy of the book review sheet to this blog for those of you who have finished a book recently.
Here are the answers to Friday’s division questions:
- 11
- 14
- 16
- 13
- 22
- 68
- 23
- 31
- 13
- 22
BBC Bitesize is continuing to put lessons on each day. Today’s maths lesson is looking at solving multiplication and division word problems. This follows on from last week’s lessons which were all about multiplication and division. For anyone who would like extra practise, I have added a small word problem activity to the bottom of this blog.
Today’s English lesson is looking at how to write a recount. A recount is when you describe an event that you’ve experienced to someone who wasn’t there. Why don’t you write a recount about what you did to celebrate VE Day or about an activity you did over the weekend and post it on our class blog?
I have seen some of the story writing that has been done on Purple Mash, they are looking good and lots of you have used some great expanded noun phrases, conjunctions and fronted adverbials! This is fantastic! If you have written a story at home, remember you can always take a picture and email it to school. This way I can read your amazing work.
The final BBC lesson today is another history lesson. Today’s is all about Stonehenge. Why not have a look and see what interesting facts you can find out?
If we were in school, we would have started to learn all about a new artist, Claude Monet. I have attached a PowerPoint and a comprehension to this blog all about Monet. Today, I’d like you to read the information and then tomorrow I am going to set you an art challenge!
Keep up the hard work and stay safe!
I will talk to you again tomorrow,
Miss Gradwell