Message about blog fonts on mobile phones

Date: 10th May 2020 @ 4:59pm

A parent has asked about the clarity of the fonts used for the blogs, especially when viewed on a mobile phone. 


I addressed this issue in my last 2 blog entries, yesterday, but having just checked them on my phone there appears to be an anomaly.  


The last 3 entries I made on the Y1 blogs were typed on my laptop using Comic Sans font.  When I viewed them on the website on my laptop they all appeared as Comic Sans.  However, I have just checked the 3 latest entries on my phone they have all changed into 3 completely different fonts!   None were Comic Sans and they were all different to each other!  This may be because my laptop is Windows and my phone is Apple.  If your phone is not using Microsoft Windows you may too not get the same clear font as you would on a Windows laptop or computer. 

Hope this clears up the matter.  

Mrs D xx