Home School 10th July

Date: 9th Jul 2020 @ 11:13am

Hi guys! It’s Mrs Ryan here. Guess what? Today is Friday which means it is the last day of home-school for this week. Have any of you got anything nice planned for this weekend? Saturday is my birthday, so I am feeling particularly happy.

It looks like we are going to be having some nice weather again, so I hope you all get to spend some time in the sunshine with your lovely families. 😊

How did you get on with yesterday’s diary writing task? Did you remember to write in the first person (using personal pronouns such as ‘I’, ‘me’ and ‘my’?). I would love to read your diary entries, so please do send them in to me at school. stmaryrcbp@sthelens.org.uk 

Now, as we are approaching the end of our ‘Hot and Cold’ topic, I have one more special writing task for you all…

Over the next week, I would like you to choose either a hot or a cold place (it’s up to you) and I would like you to create a holiday brochure encouraging people to visit.  You might want to choose somewhere that you have visited before with your family. If you decide to choose a place that you haven’t visited, you will need to do a bit of research to find out what the place is like and what things there are to see and do.

The National Geographic website is a great place to start if you want to research a country in more detail. https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/explore/countries/.  

The ‘Geography’ section of the BBC Bitesize website also has some lovely resources and video clips about different countries around the world. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zcdqxnb.

You only need to choose one part of the country to write about e.g. Lima in Peru.

Remember, you are trying to PERSUADE people to visit your chosen place. This means you want them to go to the place you are writing about. Try to use persuasive language (e.g. You really should visit because…You don’t want to miss out on this do you?)

I have attached some ‘Persuasive Writing’ resources and a blank holiday brochure template to the bottom of this blog, so if you decide to type your brochure, you could use this and create your own subheadings to tell the reader about different parts of the place you have chosen.

For more tips on how to write a super holiday brochure, you might want to check out this website: https://www.funkidslive.com/learn/penguin-explorers/make-travel-brochure/# 

As always, when using the Internet remember to get an adult’s permission first and follow our SMART Internet Safety rules.


I would LOVE to read your brochures, so please do email me any photographs of your work- or if you decide to type your brochure then remember to send it in to me at school.

Have a wonderful day children and a lovely weekend.

Take care.

Mrs R heart

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