Home Learning Week 7 Tuesday
Date: 18th May 2020 @ 6:17pm
Hello Everyone
How did you get on with your learning yesterday? Did you try harder to complete the tasks knowing that this is your last week before half term? I hope that you did
Bitesize Daily Learning:
Maths: Today's lesson continues to revise fractions - again this should not be too challenging for you. If you do want to be challenged further, try the fraction tasks attached to yesterday's blog and the Education City Fraction Games (also attached to the blog).
English: Formal and Informal language is the focus of the lesson today. If you don't fancy this task - complete the reading comprehension activity instead.
Geography: The lesson today explores how mountains are formed and introduces you to some mountain ranges in the UK and around the world. The lesson includes a quiz and a colouring activity. If you find this lesson interesting, I've attached some mountain fact cards for you to read and an activity to label the parts of a mountain.
If you enjoy wordsearches, I've attached one all about mountains for you. There are two levels for you to try.
Reading: I've been asking you to read a non-fiction text over the last week or so. If you haven't managed to read one yet, don't worry - I've attached a non-fiction reading comprehension to today's blog and it's all about mountains. Like with every other comprehension activity, you only need to do the section that is most suitable to your reading ability. As this is a KS2 reading comprehension, most of you should try the first text and questions. If you are a really good reader - try the second text and questions.
If you complete the reading comprehension activity this can count as your reading for today.
SHOUT OUTS: First shout out to Jacob R who has climbed onto the Rock Stars leaderboard today, at number 46, with an average time of 6.38 seconds. Well done Jacob.
COME ON GIRLS - WHERE ARE YOU?? Don't let the boys dominate the leaderboard.
Well done to Louie and Joseph who have both completed the 2Do that I set yesterday on the Amesbury Archer.
Harry and Heidi, I'm not sure if you have finished yours as they are in the folder to be marked, but it says 'not handed in' on the top of the comment box. If you have - type me a message to go with your work to let me know.
This week is National Kindness Week. Why not try really hard today to show someone an act of kindness. Could you offer to wash the dishes? Could you make someone feel happy by using kind words? Could you help your brother or sister with their work? You could use our Class Blog on Purple Mash to let me know some of the things that you have done. My act of kindness today was to make my mum her lunch. She is 80 and I haven't seen her since lockdown (although we chat every day on the phone), so I thought that I would treat her to lunch. I left it on the step with a little message for her to tell her that I love her.
Take care everyone and I will speak to you all tomorrow.
Mrs H