Home Learning Week 7 Thursday
Date: 20th May 2020 @ 5:50pm
Wow, Y3 - wasn't it hot yesterday! I bet lots of you had your paddling pools out.
Did any of you manage to get any work done or did the sun make it too difficult to work ???
Today's blog starts with SHOUT OUTS for OLIVIA M and HARRY who have both completed my Roundhouse Challenge and built two fantastic Bronze Age Houses using materials from their garden. Well done to you both.
If anyone else has built a Roundhouse, send your photos in, so that I can share them with the rest of Y3.
Rock Stars Update: Where are you girls? Addie is still the only girl challenging the boys on the leaderboard. Two more boys - HARRY and JOSEPH have now entered the leaderboard race too - meaning that more boys than ever are ahead of the girls. Come on girls - spend 15 mins on Rock Stars playing the STUDIO game (10 games needed) and your average score will place you on the leaderboard. The boys are showing you up
Bitesize Daily Learning:
Maths: Quite an easy task today children. It's all about recognising tenths and + two simple fractions together. I've attached extra sheets to challenge you further, as I think you will fly through this.
English: Today's lesson will help you to write a formal report. It would be great if you could complete this task, as it has been a long time since many of you have done any actual writing. It would also be a great opportunity to use your learning from yesterday - by including subordinating conjunctions in your report. If you do complete this task, please email me a copy, so that I can share it with the others.
Computing: Explores how the internet works and shows you how to use search engines. It reinforces the importance of safe passwords and shows us how we all leave a digital footprint whenever we visit an internet site. For those of you who enjoy wordsearches, I've attached a computing wordsearch for you to have a go at.
Gentle Reminder Time:
- You should be reading every day. Try to read for half an hour before you go to bed.
- Your Ancient Greek project should be well underway. (Information in your Home Learning Pack)
- Try to spend 15 mins every day on Rock Stars or doing times table activities.
- I have set you a 2Do on Purple Mash. Lots of you have yet to complete this task.
- Have you managed to make a sculpture in the style of Antony Gormley? If you have, send me a photo. Be creative.
That's all for today children. Last day before half term. Try to work hard.
Speak tomorrow
Mrs H