Home Learning Week 7 Monday

Date: 17th May 2020 @ 2:26pm

Good Morning Year 3

I hope that you are all well and that you have had a lovely weekend. If you had been in school, this would have been the last week before you broke up for your 2 week Whit Holiday. As you should be on holiday next week and the week after -  I won't blog or set any work, as it is holiday time, so this is the last week of work, before you can have a rest. As this is the last week of work, why not try really hard to complete the tasks that I set.

Bitesize Daily Learning:

Maths: Revises fractions this week, so you shouldn't find the tasks too difficult. The lesson starts with a keep fit session with Supermovers - all focused around fractions. Supermovers is a great way to learn and stay fit at the same time. A quiz and a couple of activities follow the Supermovers session. I've attached four additional  worksheets to the blog if you want to take your fraction learning further - or if you prefer to work online, have a look at the Education City Fraction Activities. There are some fun games on the site. Remember that your password is in your Home Learning Folder. yes

English: Explores facts and opinions. I think most of you understand the difference between the two, so again this lesson shouldn't be too difficult. An example of a fact is Mrs Hymers is beautiful. smiley An example of an opinion is that Liverpool is a rubbish football team.  cheeky Again this lesson starts with a Supermovers session linking fitness to learning. I have attached a further activity to the blog if you want to take your learning further and challenge yourself.

History: Last lesson was all about the Stone Age. Today we are moving forward in time - but just a little - to learn all about the Bronze Age. Again, you will study this period of History in more detail in Y4, so if you do complete the tasks you will be further ahead in your learning when you do meet the Bronze Age next year. I have set you 2 additional challenges linked to the Bronze Age. 

  1. I have set you a 2Do on Purple Mash that asks you to watch the Bronze Age Slideshow and then using the information, create an information sheet all about the Amesbury Archer. 
  2. Using the information from the Slideshow or from the attached Bronze Age House sheet - build your own Bronze Age Roundhouse using materials from your garden e.g. mud, twigs, leaves, grass. Take a photograph and send it in to me, so that I can share it with your classmates on our blog.

If you really enjoy the Bronze Age work you can further explore this historical period through the eyes of a typical family by visiting bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/story-of-britain-bronze-age-britain


A big well done to LIAM, HARRISON and EVAN who now appear on the overall leaderboard and are leading the way for Y3. Liam is currently at number 38 on the board with an average speed of 5.13 seconds. Harrison is close behind at number 41 with a speed of 5.36 seconds. Evan is also not too far behind at number 49 with an average speed of 6.9 seconds. Well done boys. Come on girls - get challenging them!!  All you need to do is play 10 games on the STUDIO game and your time/score will be averaged to give you a time for the leaderboard. Don't let the lads lead the way.  cheeky

A final mention to the TEACHERS who beat Y3 last week in a Times Table tournament. Teachers ended the week with a score of 5586 points - whilst Y3 scored 3733. Well done to Harrison, Liam, Evan, Jacob B, Max, Heidi, Harry, Annabel, Molly, Joseph, Christopher, Isla L and Addie who all spent time battling the staff - it's just a shame that you weren't quite good enough, or that more of your classmates didn't help you. I will set another tournament after the half-term. wink

That' s all from me for today. Keep working hard. Remember to keep reading too and I'll be in touch tomorrow.

Take care

Mrs H heart


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