Home Learning, Week 6, Day 5

Date: 15th May 2020 @ 11:25am

Good morning Year 1 and HAPPY FRIDAY!

The sun is shining and it looks like it's going to be a lovely, lovely day!

I hope that you are all feeling proud of the learning you have done at home this week.  I have been delighted with the work that has been sent over via email, especially the photos of the 3D Blackpool Towers and seaside collages.  I am working with Jude, Lucas and Theo from Year 1 today and they are busy creating their own seaside collages which I am hoping to put on our gallery, once it has been done.

Today's learning:

BBC BItesize:

English: - today's lesson is all about a story called 'Cake', thinking about the characters and sequencing the events of the story in order.

Maths - there is a maths challenge for you today.  Have a go at it - I know how you all love a good challenge!

Art - today's lesson is all about improving your drawing technique.  I think you will gain a lot from having a look at this.

The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch - have you re-read the story this week?  Are you now able to tell me who the main character is, what happens in the plot and what the setting is for this story? I've added some activities onto Purple Mash relating to the story of the The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch.  They will make your mouth water! cheeky


For next week, I would like you to design a SILLY sandwich.  Obviously, we wouldn't want Mr Grinling to eat something that is silly and probably wouldn't taste nice.  However, for a bit of fun I would like you to think of some ingredients that could go into a silly sandwich that would stop the seagulls from taking food out of the basket (like the mustard sandwich did) and and write out your plan on the attached sheet.  Next week, I will then ask you to have a go at making the sandwich and then send a photo of it into school, as well as writing out in the instructions of how to make it!  Make it as silly as you can....YUK!

I am going to sign off for now and wish you all a very happy weekend.  I will be in touch next week and hope the sun shines for everyone this weekend.

Take care, keep smiling and stay safe.

Mrs Taylor x heartInspirational Quote For Kids - Retro Future

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