Home Learning Week 6 - Tuesday

Date: 12th May 2020 @ 9:26am

Note to parents - A new Set 2 Speed Sounds lesson is available at 10.00 am, Monday to Friday.

Children can also watch Set 2 Spelling at 10.15 am.

Each lesson is ten to fifteen minutes long and available for 24 hours.
*If your child is finding Set 2 Sounds challenging, try practising Set 1 sounds. Set 1 Sounds and Spellings are released daily at the same time.

*If your child is confident with Set 2 Sounds, try practising Set 3 Sounds. Set 3 Sounds and Spellings are realeased daily, at the same time.
Don’t worry if you miss a lesson. Once the whole set has been shown, we will replay one lesson a day.

You can also find other useful videos, to help you and your child with daily phonics. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ/videos

For more information visit https://www.ruthmiskin.com/en/

For free Read Write Inc. Phonics eBooks, activities and advice, visit Oxford Owl for Home: www.oxfordowl.co.uk/read-write-inc-home


Good morning Reception smiley

How are you all feeling today? What is the weather like today? Have you looked out of the window, or been outside to check yet? What's your favourite kid of weather?  I love sunny days, because I love to feel the warm sun and wear my favourite sandals! Can you tell your grown up about your favourite kind of weather? You could even draw a picture and write a sentence about the weather, if you like smiley


Special Sound of The Day

I wonder what sounds Rosie and Fred are going to help us learn today? Make sure you watch, to find out! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ/videos


Did you enjoy the story about the very busy spider? To warm your brain for our activity today, are you ready to turn into a spider? Can you do your shooting webs exercises, like Joe Wicks? Spider lunges here we come! How many webs can you shoot in 1 minute? Grown-ups can help us time ourselves. Can you get to count to 20? Push your spider-muscles! Off you go!

Now that your brain and muscles are warmed up, here is today's challenge. Little spider is getting in a muddle, can you help him?



Fresh Air

While you are outside today, can you find a spider web? Go on a spider web hunt smiley  If you are lucky enough to find a spider's web, look very closely at it. What does it look like? Can you use lots of describing words, to describe it to your grown up? Can you draw it?

If you do find a web, you must be very careful when you are looking closely at it. Why do you think it is important to be careful around a spider web?


Crafty Idea

Here is a lovely video of Susie, she will teach you how to make a beautiful web, using string. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=civyLKyDc2s

Can you have a go at making your own web? What will you use? You could even make a web using material you find in your garden, or on your daily walks. Think about the different colours and textures of the materials you use, can you describe them to your family? I would love to see a photograph, if you do make your own web!

If you have been working very hard today and you need a brain break, I have got a treat for you. Here is a very special 'Spiderman' activity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lx08FrWBp0g Enjoy!

I hope you have a lovely day Reception, I will write to you all tomorrow. 

Take care heart

Mrs Amor x