Home Learning, Week 13 Wednesday 15th July

Date: 14th Jul 2020 @ 9:38am

Good morning Year 1 and happy half-way hump day - it's WEDNESDAY!

Smile We Are Half Way To Friday | Funny wednesday quotes, Happy ...

When you are in Year 2, you will be greeted by me every Wednesday morning as that is when we will have our Music lesson.  Won't that be nice! 

To begin your Wednesday morning, I am attaching a little poem for you to read (either by yourself or with a grown up).  It's a poem for YOU, all of our wonderful Year 1 friends who have stayed at home, throughout this very different and difficult time. heart

                                                 hero poem

I really hope you enjoyed reading that Year 1 and believe that you really are true heroes. x 

Today's Learning:

Super Spellers:

How have you been getting on with your spelling list? Remember to try and set yourself a goal of learning two each day.  Then, to push yourselves even further, you could try and write them into sentences.  Eg, if the word you were learning was 'little' then you could write it out a few times to make sure you are able to spell it, then write it (neatly) into a sentence such as this: 

The little cat jumped over the high wall and ran away from the angry dog. 

What can you see in my sentence that I have remembered?  That's right, I have remembered a capital letter, I have spelt 'little' accurately, I have used the conjunction 'and' and I have used the adjectives little, high and angry and I've even remembered the full stop at the end.  A sentence like this would get lots of smiles from a teacher! laughyes

BBC BItesize:


Today's lesson is about Time, learning how to estimate and accurately measure time for different activities.

This lesson includes:

  • a learning summary
  • a video
  • three activities


I think you will really enjoy today's lesson on understanding the 'setting' of a story and how it contributes to a good story.  It also focuses on understanding what an adventure story is.  Tomorrow, I am going to ask you to write a short story so really concentrate on this today then your story will be AMAZING!

This lesson includes:

  • a video about what setting means

  • a video about what an adventure story is

  • an activity about making and using a story dice

  • an activity about adventure stories

I hope you enjoy it!


Something a little different again today - learning the basics of how science can be applied to sports, such as cricket.

This lesson includes:

  • two videos about cricket, the speed of bowling and how forces impact on the game

  • an interactive to demonstrate how a ball travels

  • one activity to try at home

Have you ever played cricket?  If not, then maybe you'd like to have a try after watching and taking part in this lesson today!


Do you remember the other day when I set you the task of watching the weaving video and looking at the powerpoint.  Well, today's challenge is to create your own woven 'mini' picnic blanket using either paper or material.  Yesterday, I received some photos from Jessica, showing me the wonderful weaving her and her sister Olivia have been doing at home.  I have attached them to hopefully inspire you!  Well done Jessica!

Well, that's blog done for this morning - I am off to school shortly to greet my 'bubble' and no doubt they will be doing some FANTASTIC PHONICS!  

I will blog again in the morning,

Until then, take care, keep smiling and work hard!

Mrs Taylor x heart




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