Home Learning Week 13 Thursday 16th July

Date: 15th Jul 2020 @ 9:39pm

Good Morning Year 1!  How are you feeling today?

Well, only 5 more blogs to go and then the summer the holidays will be here.  I am really hoping that the lovely sunny weather is going to return as I am off to Cornwall with my family in our caravan 'Vera' so we are really hoping that the sun will shine, shine, shine!  Are you going to be going anywhere over the summer holidays?


Summer is coming flat card stock vector. Illustration of design ...

Short Story Writing:

Yesterday, I mentioned to you about writing a short story.  Well, today is the day that I set you this challenge.  For some of you, this might seem like such a HUGE task but I just want you to try your best. 

You need to think of a character, a setting, other characters and then the plot.  Do you remember what the plot means?  It means what happens in the story.  If you were looking for some ideas then at the bottom of this page, there are some writing prompts to help you.  If possible, try to aim for a half side of A4 - your parents will show you how much this is. 

If you wanted to write a story about something more related to you then you could write a story about the little boy or girl who had to stay at home and relate that to your time spent at home during lockdown.  This would make an amazing story as it's not something that usually happens.  Once again, think about the characters, the setting and the plot.  Do your best writing children and let's see who can send theirs across to school for me to read. 

If this really does seem like too big a task then you could have a go at creating a story mountain (like we've previously done in class and during home learning) about your story.  I have attached worksheets for you to use (if you want to) at the bottom of this page but please do not feel pressured to print them off.  You can just look at them then copy the layout onto your own sheet of paper.  Good luck and try your best!  Let's see if you can make this your very best piece of writing from your time in Year 1.


Take a look at Scarlett's work which she has been busy doing at home.  I am very impressed with your spellings, Scarlett!  You are definitely on your way to being a SUPERSTAR SPELLER!

BBC Bitesize:


In this lesson, you will learn how to compare times (time to o’clock and half past).

This includes:

  • one video
  • two activities


More support for story writing today.

To be able to plan and write your own amazing story.

This lesson includes:

  • an introduction to planning a story

  • an overview of what authors do

  • three activities to do at home

Do not forget to do your reading, practise your spellings and finish off your weaving.  Lots to be getting on with and I look forward to receiving emails from you soon full of super work.

Until tomorrow; take care, stay positive and keep smiling.

Show Your Smile And Be Positive JattDiSite.com | Positive quotes ...




Mrs Taylor x heart

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