Home Learning, Week 12 Thursday 9th July

Date: 8th Jul 2020 @ 10:08pm

Good morning Year 1!

I hope you are all happy and well this Thursday morning and you are enjoyng your work this week.

How are your recounts coming along, all about your time in Year 1?  I am really looking forward to reading them once they are finished.  Do not forget to look at the powerpoint I attached yesterday, which tells you what the features of a recount are.  Remember the importance of putting the events in the correct order as they happened throughout the year, if you can - we call it chronological order.

So....today's learning:

If you had been in school now, then our topic would, as you know, be Holidays.  Therefore, keeping on the theme of recount writing, I thought it would also be nice to write a recount about a favourite holiday you have been on.  It might be the last holiday you went on or maybe one you remember with fondness from when you were younger.  Whichever holiday you choose to write about, don't forget to plan your recount and I have attached a special worksheet for this.  Once you have completed the planning sheet then you will be ready to write your recount out.  Send them across once they are completed - good luck!

Literacy Lessons:

This half term we would also have done quite a bit of work on Proper Nouns and Question Marks / Exclamation Marks.  So today, we will focus on Proper Nouns.  At the bottom of this page, I have attached a powerpoint explaining what a Proper Noun is along with a sorting/cutting and sticking activity for you to complete.  If you do not have access to a printer then you could make your own sorting board and just copy the words from the computer/ipad.  Tomorrow we will focus on questions marks and exclamation marks, so try and get this work done today!

BBC Bitesize:


Today's lesson is learning how to find a quarter of an object or an amount.

This lesson includes:

  • one video
  • two activities


Have you heard of alliteration?  We touched on this earlier in the year but you may not remember.  Today's lesson is about identifying alliteration in sentences and writing your own.

This lesson includes:

  • an introduction to alliteration

  • three activities to do at home


This has to be absolute favourite lesson of the week - Music, in particular, singing! 

Learn about what happens in our bodies when we sing, and why it makes us feel good.

This lesson includes:

  • two videos about singing

  • three activities to try at home

Well Year 1, it's time for me to sign off now and wish you all a happy day.

Until tomorrow, take care and do your best!  You are all shining stars!

Mrs Taylor x heart


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