Home Learning, Week 11, Friday 3rd July

Date: 3rd Jul 2020 @ 7:44am

Good good morning Year 1 and HAPPY FRIDAY!  THE FASTEST DAY OF THE WEEK!

Happy Friday! - NSCECE


How are you all feeling this morning?  It's the end of another week and I am sure you have got LOTS of things you feel proud of from this week.  Maybe you've worked hard with your reading, or smashed your maths!  Perhaps you are proud of your 3D lighthouse which you are currently working on......talking of which....has anyone finished theirs yet??????


I was pleased as punch this morning to open the blog and see messages from Alfie Bradshaw, Oliver, Bobby, Scarlett and Ewan.  They all had lovely news to share and some of them had even sent messages to one another.  If you've not been onto the blog yet then head on over.  Share some news or just have a good old nosey at what your friends have been up to.  wink  Don't worry about reading the words, I am sure someone in your house can help you with any difficult words or could even read the messages to you.  smiley


BBC Bitesize:


Friday is challenge day on Bitesize Daily!

There are some more challenges this week to test your problem-solving skills. Each one gets a bit more difficult, so see how many you and your family can do together!  I'm sure you like a challenge, Year 1! yes


Have any of you heard of Roald Dahl?  Maybe those of you who have older brothers or sisters will have see his books before.  Well, Roald Dahl is a very famous author, famous for writing children's books and today's English lesson is all about one of his books called George's Marvellous Medicine, one of my particular favourites!  Before doing the BBC Bitesize English lesson, have a look at the attached powerpoint which tells you more about Roald Dahl.  It's actually a powerpoint that was used last September for Road Dahl day!  A day to celebrate all of the wonderful books which he wrote.  He sadly died in 1990 but his books remain a HUGE favourite with children.  


Many children begin reading Roald Dahl books in Year 2 and I have attached a wordsearch below for you to have a go at which names lots of Roald Dahl books.  I thought this might be a nice way to introduce you, if you haven't already.  

Well, once again, I'm signing off now to dash off to school to meet my learning bubble!  

Have a wonderful day Year 1 (despite this miserable, rainy weather) and I'm sending you all  HUGE virtual hug. 

I spoke with Jessica, her Mummy and her sister Olivia outside of school the other day and it was REALLY hard not to be able to give her a big hug!  Virtual ones will have to do for now!

PIKI - Virtual hug!! ❤️ Thank you everybody for follow my ...

Take care Year 1 and I'll speak Monday.

Mrs Taylor x heart

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