Home Learning, Week 10 Wednesday 24th June

Date: 24th Jun 2020 @ 7:15am

Good Morning Year 1!

I hope that you are all well on this beautiful, Wednesday morning.  It is going to be VERY HOT over the next few days so remember to wear lots of suncream and a sunhat when you're having your time outdoors.

So, how are your fact files coming along?  I am eagerly awaiting emails, showing all the wonderul work which you have done.  It is a wonderful topic which really shows us how different things were many years ago when families used to go on a seaside holiday.  I think one of my favourite differences is the bathing machines.  I find it fascinating that people used to get changed in them, get pulled out to sea and then would lower themselves into the water, without being seen.  Amazing!

So...today's challenge is another Literacy one.  On our theme of holidays, summer and seaside holidays in the past, I would like you to imagine that you are a child on a seaside holiday, somewhere in the UK, many many years ago, around the Victorian time.  Who would you be with, what would you be doing, what would your family be doing and what activities would you be enjoying?  Think of all the information you have found out over the past couple of weeks, learning about seaside holidays in the past, and put it into a postcard.  Now, we have looked at postcard writing before but to remind you, I have attached a powerpoint about postcard writing at the bottom of this page, so have a look at that first.

BBC Bitesize:


In this lesson you will learn to compare different numbers of objects to 100 using the less than (<) and more than (>) signs.

This lesson includes:

  • two videos
  • two activities


Today, is National Writing Day!   Therefore, today you are given the:

24/7 challenge!

The aim is to get everyone writing creatively!

Get inspired to get writing! 

There are just three rules:

1. You are going to write a brilliant 24-word short story.

2. Your story must start with the words ‘One day’.

3. You will write it in just 7 minutes!

It’s a challenge, but don’t worry – on BBC Bitesize there are some vidoes which will guide you step by step so you’re ready to make the most of those precious 7 minutes!

Now remember Year 1:

When writing sentences, it's important to follow some basic rules.

*Sentences should always start with a capital letter and end in a piece of punctuation, usually a full stop.

Over on the BBC Bitesize website these are the ideas you have been given:

Activity 1: Choosing a memorable day

Think about a day in your life which was really amazing. For example, it might be a birthday or a day spent with a friend.

Write down three things you remember about that day. Make sure you use capital letters and punctuation correctly.

Here is an example:
The sun was shining.
I ate a strawberry ice cream.
My friend Jay was pushing me on the swings.

Activity 2: How did you feel?

Following on from activity 1, write a list of words that described how you felt on that day.

For example: Happy, excited, calm.

Try and write at least three words.

Activity 3: Challenge time!

Now you’re ready to take on the 24/7 challenge!

You’re going to use the ideas you came up with in Activity 1 and 2 to create your own brilliant short story!

For example:
One day, the sun was shining.
I ate a strawberry ice cream. My friend pushed with me on the swings and I felt happy.


  • Your story should only be 24 words long.

  • It should start with the words ‘One day’.

  • It should be written in 7 minutes. Set yourself a timer!

Top tip!

The most important thing is to have fun! This is about trying something new and enjoying writing creatively. Don’t worry if you make mistakes, just have a go!

Good luck and if you would like to, then email your stories over to school and I'll have a read of them then post them on here!  You'll be like real authors!!!!!!!!!!!  Amazing!

I am going to sign off now and wish you all a wonderful, sunny Wednesday.

Until tomorrow, take care, keep writing wink and keep safe.

Mrs Taylor x heart

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