Health and well-being week

Date: 18th Jun 2018 @ 2:19pm

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Health and Well-being week

We have had a great start to our health and well-being week. We have started by learning all about mindfulness and different breathing techniques to calm down.  Then, we completed a circle time about our feelings and we used these to help us create an emotion poem.  Finally, we used the track to complete our daily mile and used the information in our maths lesson to create bar charts.


We have had a fun morning.  Six Premier sports coaches came in and we completed different activities.  We took part in cricket, dodgeball, rounders, basketball, hockey and handball.   To finish the morning off we learned a new Zumba routine.  We all had a great time and we can’t wait for the rest of health and well- being week.


We have had another fun pack day.  We started off on the climbing wall and assault course. Some of us got stuck in the net.  Harry was the official assault course king and Aaron was the quickest at climbing the wall.  Then, we learned some new badminton skills.    Next, we took part in a Yoga and mediation session.   Kate and Abby were very flexible.  Finally we finished off the day with a visit from Mrs Barr an A&E doctor.  Mrs Barr told us all about what life was like a doctor and we asked her lots of very interesting questions. 


Our thoughts………..



Cameron, Ben B and Ben O,B told me the climbing wall was the best. 

Skye, Maizie, Evanna and Beau loved Yoga.

Caitlin and Aaron have really enjoyed the daily mile on the track.

Olivia said her favourite part was the assault course.

Ewan enjoyed climbing wall, badminton and the daily mile.

Abby liked everything.

Ava M said she enjoyed premier sports and the climbing wall.


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