Happy Half Term!

Date: 22nd Oct 2020 @ 7:55pm

Can you believe it is already the end of the first half term in Year 4? 

We have worked hard this half term and learnt lots of new and interesting things. Our topic has been the Stone Age to the Iron Age and the children have really enjoyed learning about life in these prehistoric times. Their knowledge has helped them to write fantastic explanation texts about Stonehenge. We have been reading Stig of the Dump, Stone Age Boy and a range of non-fiction texts linked to our topic. These stories have inspired the children to write some brilliant descriptions. In history we have created timelines, discovered how people in the Stone Age lived and worked and compared life in the Stone Age to life in the Iron Age.  During poetry week the children wrote amazing Stone Age Kennings and superb simile poems They also spent time reading a variety of poetry and worked in groups to perform a poem for the class.

In art we have created our own cave paintings using a range of techniques to create texture with charcoal. 

Our first RE topic was 'People'. We have discussed our own families and how they help us, support us and encourage us and we have explored Jesus’ family tree and looked at the lives of some of the people in it. Our current RE topic is 'Called'. We are exploring what it means to be chosen for something and we will be learning about the confirmation ceremony and the signs and symbols associated with it. 

Our science topic has been Living Things and Their Habitats. The children have amazed me with their enthusiasm in science this half term. They have learnt how to catergorise living things, the different vertebrate and invertebrate catergories and how environmental changes can affect living things and their habitats.

In maths we have completed our place value topic and have begun addition and subtraction. The children are using column addition and subtraction with growing confidence to add and subtract 4-digit numbers. 

The Curse of Cogston House proved to be a popular story in the run up to Halloween, it was a spooky tale about a haunted house.  It was lovely to end the half term with the Teach and Treat day. Everyone looked incredible in their costumes! The children enjoyed completing Halloween themed activities in the morning. In the afternoon, the children voted for a Halloween film to watch. Monster House won by a landslide and the children enjoyed popcorn and a drink while watching the film. 

Our next topic is Burps, Bottoms and Bile – I hope you are all looking forward to learning all about the digestive system! 

Have a lovely and relaxing half term and I look forward to seeing everyone again after the break.  

Take a look at the pictures below to see some of the things Year 4 have done this half term.