Friday 3rd July
Date: 2nd Jul 2020 @ 6:57pm
Good Morning Year 4!
Can you believe it is Friday again already? I can’t believe how quickly the weeks are going! I hope you have all had a good week and have managed to have some fun as well as working hard.
BBC Bitesize has another maths challenge for you today. Have a go at the problems and see if you can use your reasoning and problem solving skills to work out the answers. If you complete these challenges or if you would like to continue practising your statistics skills I have attached some statistics challenge cards to this blog for you to try.
Today’s Bitesize English lesson is another reading lesson. The book today is Agents of the Wild: Operation Honeyhunt by Jennifer Bell and Alice Lickens. There are a couple of extracts from the book and some activities to try.
For those of you enjoying Roman Rescue I have attached the next set of comprehension questions to this blog. These questions focus on chapters 10 – 12. If you haven’t got that far in the book yet you could look back at previous Friday’s blog for questions from earlier chapters.
The final lesson today is a design and technology lesson focussing on design skills. It looks at the different ways a designer might plan their ideas from hand drawn sketches to building models. For anyone feeling adventuress I have attached a challenge to this blog. Can you design and build a marble run? Before you build your marble run, sketch your plan and label it. Then, once you have built your run compare how close your final product is to your sketch.
Remember that you can email completed work to school. I really enjoy seeing the activities you complete at home.
Have a lovely day and enjoy your weekend!
I will talk to you again in Monday.
Miss Gradwell
P.S. Have a look at the fantastic drawing that Florence emailed me yesterday. She was inspired by the tone lesson.