Friday 3rd April

Date: 3rd Apr 2020 @ 8:27am

Good morning year 4!

Today is the last day of home learning before the Easter break. Are you ready for a well deserved rest?

I have been amazed by the hard work that you have all been putting in to the tasks I have been setting on Purple Mash and Times Tables Rock Stars - you are all working so hard and it is fantastic to see! 

Have you all been enjoying the books you have been reading? Hopefully you have finished your chapter summaries and are ready to complete your second book review. 

If you fancy a break from your usual learning activities, why not visit where you'll find some fun, interactive global learning activities that will help you to discover more about the different lives that children in our world live. There is also a resource pack for you to use for Lent.

For those of you who like a challenge I have set an activity on Purple Mash linked to our science topic sound. Read the information powerpoint and then complete the leaflet telling me everything you know about sound (in your own words!). I have also attached some activities to this blog that should keep you busy over Easter if you are bored. If you make a musical instrument you could bring it in to school when we are back to share with the class.

Enjoy your Easter break and if you do anything exciting why not send us an e-mail using so we can see the incredible activities you have been up to.

I'll talk to you again after Easter. Take care and stay safe!

Miss Gradwell

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