Friday 24th April

Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 7:57pm

Good morning Year 4!

It is Friday again, the last day of work before the weekend. Did you all find out lots of interesting facts about St. George? I read that St. George might have been part of the Roman army!

You have all been working really hard on your times tables again this week, which is fantastic to see. Your scores on Times Tables Rock Starts are continuing to improve.

Today, I have attached a short spelling, punctuation and grammar activity and a maths activity to this blog for you to have a go at in your exercise books. Try your best and I will post the answers on Monday.

Today’s BBC Bitesize lessons look good. The English lesson will be looking at a poem which is being read by Oti Mabuse from Strictly Come Dancing. Part of the lesson then looks at summarising (which we are all brilliant at) and then at giving an opinion using the text to give reasons for it. Today’s maths lesson is all about challenging yourself so the questions are a little bit trickier – have a go and see if your problem solving skills can help you solve all 5 challenges.

I hope you have been able to spend some time this week reading a new book or story on Serial Mash – maybe you could use the blog on Purple Mash to write book reviews? This way you can recommend books to one another and share authors that you like with the rest of the class.

Have any of you managed to log onto the music website? Miss Lewis is posting a flute lesson each week, on Tuesdays, so that you can continue to learn how to play your flutes at home.

Today, I am going to try to ring all of your homes to have a chat with your parents to see how you are getting on during this difficult time and I may even have a chat with you too - so listen out for my call. If I don't call you today, I will ring one day next week. 

Have a lovely weekend, stay safe and I will talk to you again on Monday.

Miss Gradwell

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