Friday 22nd May
Date: 22nd May 2020 @ 10:51am
Morning, lovely people!
Well, Friday has arrived and we all know what that means. Not only is it the weekend, but you are now being given 2 weeks off work (that goes for your fantastic parents, too- they are doing an amazing job of home-schooling you, so don't forget to show them lots of appreciation: being a teacher isn't easy, you know!)
This also means it is the end of our Mental Health Awareness week, which is a real shame because I have had such a lovely week spreading kindness and seeing all of the hard work you guys have put into your projects. You really do make me very proud.
Here are some of your brilliant projects, that have made me smile.
Aren't they brilliant? I received a lovely email from Ewan, who told me that his mental health mascot (as pictured in a previous blog) is in demand! His aunty, who is training to become a counsellor, has asked if she can use the mascot to help her patients! Ewan, this is just amazing news. Don't forget to sign a copy - might be worth something one day!
For one final time, I am going to post the list of activities you might want to consider surrounding mental health. Let's go out with a bang and make today our kindest day ever!
1. Keep a mental health journal, where you add an entry each day about how you have been feeling, if you have spread kindness or if someone has shown you kindness.
2. Write a poem all about kindness.
3. Research the effects of kindness on someone's mental health (this website might have some useful information for you:
4. Write a short story with a message all about being kind to others.
5. Produce a rap / song all about mental health and how to look after it.
6. Design a poster all about the benefits of kindness on someone's mental health.
7. Produce a piece of artwork demonstrating what kindness means to you.
8. Make a list of 30 ways someone can show kindness and try to complete as many as you can.
9. Be a secret kindness ninja- each day, try to complete one random act of kindness!
10. Come up with a list of rules on how to be kind for younger children.
11. Write a recount about a time someone showed kindness to you and how it made you feel.
12. Create a mental health mascot- draw a picture of him/ her, write their special powers and how they can help other people.
13. Create an information leaflet about mental health and how it can be good and bad.
14. Speak to the people in your family about their mental health and compile a list of ways they try to make sure they are mentally healthy. (Do they have hobbies that make them relax? How do they cope with things that upset them? What do they do when they are feeling sad or low?)
15. Take a survey every day- ask every member of your family to tell you on a scale of 1-10 how happy they are. Record your results and then analyse them at the end of the week. Was there a specific day that people were unhappy? Was everyone happy all of the time? Who was the happiest? Who was the least happy? What could you do to make them happier? (As an extra challenge, you could use 2graph on Purple Mash to record your results and see them in different ways).
As well as the kindness project, BBC Bitesize are hosting some great lessons today, so give them a try if you're up for a challenge.
Maths - weekly maths challenge!
Literacy - comparing texts and writing from the perspective of a character (this is something I have talked to you about before and is a skill that will serve you well in high school)
Music - composing music with found sounds
That's all from me for now. Don't forget, I won't be blogging for the next two weeks- I think you're definitely ready for a break. Have a lovely half term and stay safe. I will speak to you all soon!
Mrs Naylor