Friday 22nd July - You final day in Year 4!

Date: 21st Jul 2020 @ 8:13pm

Good Morning Year 4!

Today is your final day in Year 4! Can you believe it?

I know that this year has not ended in the way that we expected it too and I am sad that I can’t see you all today to enjoy our last day together. However, I do know that you are all more than ready for life in Year 5 and will definitely rise to the challenges that Miss Davies sets you next year.

I hope that you have all had an enjoyable (if shorter than expected!) time in Year 4. Which of our topics was your favourite? Maybe you enjoyed learning all about the Stone Age, perhaps you found learning about the digestive system very interesting or it could have been learning about the rotten Romans that you found fascinating! I’m sure that you will agree that we have learnt lots during Year 4 and that we have tried to have fun while doing it. Here are some of my favourite lessons from this year – do they match yours?

  • Working in groups to build and label models of the digestive system. Your teamwork was brilliant and your knowledge of the digestive system and all of its organs was fantastic!
  • The final piece of writing you produced before school closed where you wrote in the style of Jeremy Strong the author of Romans on the Rampage. You all managed to capture his humorous style of writing really well. Your writing sounded just like Croakbag (the narrator of the story) and made me laugh a lot while I was marking your work.
  • The hours of fun we had on Hit the Button and playing other times tables games in class. You all worked so hard to learn you times tables and are all brilliant at them. I am sure that if we had been able to sit the times tables test you all would have passed with flying colours!
  • Art lessons throughout the year. The cave paintings you created in the autumn term and the Kaso inspired artwork which you designed and printed in the spring term were some of my favourites. I know that Miss Davies is really looking forward to doing art with you all in Year 5 as she has seen how talented you are.
  • The science experiment we completed using egg shells to investigate the effects of different liquids, such as orange juice, vinegar and milk, on teeth. You are all super scientists who can make observations, plan investigations, make predictions and record results.

I could go on but you would be here all day! Take some time today to tell someone at home about your favourite memories from Year 4, maybe write them down so you can look back at them in the future.

I am looking forward to seeing you around school in September and while we will be in different classes you can still say hello and tell me all about your summer and any exciting news you have when you see me.

Try to keep reading every day over summer and practise your times tables too. This will really help you when you come back to school in September. Look back at Miss Davies’ letter from Monday’s blog for any other suggestions that may help you prepare for Year 5.

Thank you for making my first year at St. Mary’s so memorable and enjoyable. I will see you all in six weeks when you are Year 5s!

I hope you all have a wonderful and safe summer and that the sun shines so you can spend lots of time outside!

Miss Gradwell